Usually when another insurance company sends you a letter it’s to tell you they think you’re at fault for an accident. If you do get such a letter – for example, a letter demanding payment or court documents relating to the accident – this may come as a surprise, especially if you’ve lodged a claim already. All this means is instead of forwarding the letter to Bingle, the other insurer sent it to you. Please provide such letters and documents to us as soon as possible, as it may require action by a certain date.
If you already have a Bingle claim connected to the letter you can upload it at the Claims Hub. Once in the claims Hub, you’ll be able to upload the document.
The page looks like this:
If you haven’t already made a Bingle claim, please click here to lodge it online. You can upload the letter as you’re making your claim. And just as before, we’ll review the letter and deal with it accordingly.