If your monthly debit payment didn’t go through, we’ll try and debit the instalment again 15 days later. You’ll still be covered under your policy during this period.
We’ll send you a notice in writing regarding your non-payment after each attempt. If we do not receive the instalment payment after the second attempt, we’ll send you a notice in writing regarding your non-payment at least 14 days before any cancellation by us for non-payment.
Alternatively, you can also make a manual payment. Read this article for a step-by-step guide on how to do so.
If you’ve missed a monthly instalment because your payment details are out of date, you will need to make a manual payment prior to updating your payment details. Once you’ve made the manual payment, you will be able to update your payment details.
Check out our instructions on how to update them: How do I update my payment details?